- Nama Apartemen: Setiabudi Sky Garden
- Lokasi: Jl. SetiaBudi Sel. Raya No. 2, Kuningan, Karet Kuningan, Kec. Setiabudi, Jakarta Selatan 12920
- Kota: Jakarta Selatan
- Menara/Lantai/Pemandangan: –
- Luas Apartemen: 93 sqm
- Kamar Tidur: 2
- Kamar Mandi: 2
- Kamar Pembantu: 1 (Depend on Size)
- Kondisi: Fully Furnished
- Fasilitas:
- Thematic garden & Green Area 600sqm
- Basketball & Futsal court
- Swimming pool & children pool
- Kids Playground Out door & kids playroom In Door
- Family Mart
- Laundry
- Open Terrace & Fuction Room & Library
- Yoga and Aerobic Class
- Jogging track & basketball court & Gymnasium
- 24-hours security with CCTV system
- BBQ area
- Info Tambahan:
- Central business district main roads (Jl. Sudirman, Jl. Gatot Subroto, Jl. MH Thamrin).
- It is surrounded by many amenities (offices, shopping Malls, Hotels, Hospitals and Schools).
- Designed by wellknown design and construction company Shimizu.
- The Apartment building has earthquake resistant structural design making it a safe and comfortable place to live.
- Suitable for expat and family.
- www.ultimatepropertyjakarta.com
Tiktok :hermawan_ultimate
FB: Hermawan Saputra (Join Member Jakarta Expat Housing)
- Harga Jual:
- 2 BR – 63 m2 = Rp
- 2 BR – 79 m2 = Rp 2.600.000.000
- 2 BR – 89 m2 = Rp
- 2 BR – 93 m2 = Rp 3.500.000.000
- 3 BR – 135 m2 = Rp
- 3 BR – 136 m2 = Rp 5.500.000.000
- 3 BR – 155 m2 = Rp 5.350.000.000
- Harga Sewa:
- 2 BR (63 sqm) = $ 1.100 – $ 1.400 / month
- 2 BR (79 – 89 sqm) = $ 1.400 – $ 1.600 / month
- 2 BR (93 sqm) = $ 1.600 – $ 1.800 / month
- 3 BR (135 – 136 sqm) = $ 1.900 – $ 2.300 / month
- 3 BR (155 m2) = $ 2.300 – $ 2.500 / month
- Telepon: Call / WA: Hermawan Pandji SaputraUltimate Property
- Whatsapp: 085813189492
- E-mail: hermawanultimateproperty@gmail.com
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